A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 30th

good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines speak of 62% of us being optimistic about what 2012 will bring to us as a nation, and how 78% of us are hopeful about what the year will bring for our families. In order to do this, Lord, we must be with you and have you with us to guide and protect us. So, in 2012, will you:
Help us to always make the right move.
Always provide so our cup runs over with love.
Always give us shelter from any storm.
Always help us to come across to others as our best self.
Always provide just the right food for our bodies and our souls.
Always help us find the right company of persons with whom to have friendships.
Always enjoy having as much fun as we can - legally and faithfully.
Always protect us from injury, sickness, and harm.
Always be able to get good rest.
Always meet interesting and kind people.
Always make the right decisions - whether to walk away  or to run or to stay.
And, may our loved ones and friends bring us the joy of You, our Lord, everyday.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 28th

Good Morning, God
Well, Lord, it seems that is is time to begin shifting gears.  It seems it is time to "ring out the old and ring in the new".  You remember some of the things Tennyson said, way back in 1849 don't you, Lord?  He said things like "The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true".  He also encouraged us to Ring out a slowly dying cause and ancient form of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, with sweeter manners and purer laws.  Tennyson also spoke about eternity, Lord, your time: Ring out the thousand wars of old; Ring in the thousand years of peace.
So, Lord, as we ready ourselves to shift our gaze from "Father Time" to the New Year's Baby, may our prayer for our lives be these Tennyson words: Ring in the radiant person free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand: Ring out the darkness of the land; Ring in the Christ that is to be.
What's that, Lord?  Oh, yes.  We must have Christ in the new year to accomplish all that we want to ring in.  May we have him.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 26th

Good Morning, God
"Tis the day after the birthday celebration for Jesus yesterday.  Many of us are enjoying the day off today after the big bash yesterday.  Many of us are not enjoying the crowds we are encountering at the return and exchange counters in the different stores.  Some of us are trying to figure out how we can exchange some of the gifts we received that were purchased on-line.  Some of us are already putting our Christmas things away for another year, wondering if we will go to all the trouble next year.
Of course, Lord, we should always go to the trouble to celebrate Christmas!  Oh, not necessarily with all the tinsel & glitter and trees and ornaments and battling the crowds.  But we ought to consider the peaceful night you came to earth in the gift of baby Jesus, take a long, slow breath this morning, say out loud to no one in particular "Thank you, God, for your gift of our Savior Jesus", and keep this part of Christmas alive all year long.  So "Thank you, God for you gift of our Savior Jesus".
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 23rd

Good Morning, God
'Tis the day before the day before Christmas.  The stores are even busier, the streets are still slow, the parking lots are still full, and the internet orders are still being made, although the arrival of the gifts will be after Christmas now!  (Although one may still get a delivery tomorrow if one pays for overnight delivery).
Most everyone is trying to wind down their work load by quitting time today, looking forward to at least next Monday off, if not all week and the New Year's weekend off, only to return "next year" on January 3rd.  Lord, what a blessing it is to be able to work hard then be rewarded with paid days off. 
This morning we want to ask for special blessing for those who have to work the holidays - the emergency workers and healthcare folks, and even the pastors of our churches, Lord.  Our pastors will faithfully be in church on Christmas Eve, on Sunday morning Christmas Day, perhaps New Year's Eve and probably on New Year's Day.  Especially bless those among us who work for our physical and spiritual health and safety in the days ahead.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 21st

Good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines are now often about the good holiday spirits that are brightening our lives and lightening our loads. Especially, it is a joyful thing to know of our young people who are giving of their time, smiles and conversations to bring some holiday cheer to folks in retirement and health care facilities.
These young men and women don't have to be prompted by thinking that it may be themselves sitting there someday. These teenagers don't have to be told by their parents or their teachers, "Go, do this, because it is your duty."
No, Lord, these kids go and visit and bring good cheer because of the spirit of goodness you have implanted in each heart, mind and soul. This time of the year "activates" this spirit, and the youth are moved to do their best good, lovely and loving thing.
Thank you. Lord, for the good and joy our young adults are bringing to our older adults.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 19th

Good Morning, God
Lord, here it is less than a week before the celebration of your Son Jesus' birthday.  We see the decorations that beautify the landscapes and our homes.  We deal with the extra crowds around the check-out stands.  We deal with all of the extra cars in the parking lots and on the streets.
But, often, Lord, we have a very hard time coping.  We don't see the beauty; we only see lights that blind us and that cause confusion.  We can't deal with the crowds because it feels that we are drowning in an overwhelming sea.  And, when we are on the streets, all we want to do is ram our vehicle into every other vehicle around us.
Lord, may all of us enjoy the beauty and meaning of this Christmas season.  But, if we are feeling sad, overwhelmed and like there is no use, protect us from ourselves and draw us close to you and those who can help us.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 16th

Good Morning, God
Lord, on Facebook folks are talking about a report of how people purchased the equipment necessary to make meth from a local store in a particular city.  The conversation is about how this is giving that city a bad name state-wide and nationally.
In our own headlines, we are learning about the "one-pot" method of manufacturing meth, a drug many times more powerful than heroin and cocaine.  By using pseudoephedrine, a few household chemicals and a liter soda bottle, a person can cook up a little meth.
Lord, we pray today that all such "cooking" will cease.  We pray for the safety of folks around such a "kitchen".  We also pray for any and all of the men and women who feel the urge and necessity to cook meth.  Lord, save them from themselves, as well as saving us from them.  May the "war" be won against the one-pot and the other forms of meth labs.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 14th

Good Morning, God,
What would our lives be like without the excitement and the beauty of the "Arts" - music, paintings, drama - all of these things that touch our inner sense of joy, satisfaction, and both sides of our brain? The headlines once again speak about how our school children might not be able to attend a local program in January due to a lack of funds, due to budget cuts.
Well, Lord, here we are again. We have been here before. Every time we have a shortage, we seem to need to cut the arts because they rarely bring in money, while costing a lot of money to produce and attend.
Yet, Lord, we must expose our children and ourselves to the beauty and free expression displayed in all art - the visual, the aural, the tactile - for these are the things that keep us gentle and appreciative of beauty. These are the things that touch our hearts.
Thank you, Lord, for the beauty of the arts.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 12th

Good Morning, God
Lord, the listing of organizations that are not-for-profit or that just try to help others is endless.  We do have an organization for almost any need that faces us.  To help, we can donate food, clothing, automobiles, time, money, prayers - almost anything and everything we have can be used to provide almost anything and everything someone else needs.
What is often hard to come by, though, Lord, is the spirit of giving.  We most often think of providing for ourselves, then our children, then our grandchildren, before we think of providing for others.  Then, usually, what gets provided - especially in the clothing line - are items that are years old, items that don't fit, items that are out of style.  And, when we give monetarily, it may be a few coins into a red bucket after we hear bells ringing, or after we know how much is left over after we buy for ourselves.  Here is an idea, Lord.  What if everyone decided to give away to helping causes 10% of any and all income.  Many would be helped and we'd experience that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 9th

Good Morning, God
We saw the young boy's eyes light up and his face smile really big the other day at a shop on the square as his grandfather showed him a display case of pocket knives.  Boys have always had an interest in the pocket knife - the Cub and Boy Scouts have their special ones, grandfathers have their knives that will cut twine or trim fingernails, warriors have their knives that will help win a battle.  Hunters have their knives that will dress a deer.  Some have knives that will whittle a stick into an object of beauty.
Lord, we thank you for expressions of joy when boys learn the secrets of knives and what can be done with them.  We thank you for special bonds that are made between a father and son and a grandfather and grandson when one teaches the other the tricks of "whittlin".  We thank you for imaginations that put to use those multi-blade knives that begin with the Cub Scouts and evolve into the Swiss Army Knife.  Lord, may we appreciate, among all of our electronic gadgets today, the simplicity and usefulness of a simple knife in our pockets.!
In Jesus name, Amen


a Prayer for the Headlines for Wedneseday, December 7th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, it's our freedom of speech at work. Yesterday, the "dot triple X" website was made available for setting up official pornography sites on-line.
Well, at least, Lord, forewarned is forearmed. Most of us know that when we see anything marked with "x," but especially "triple X," that it means that whatever it is is "X Rated," an "adult" thing, something unfit for children. Actually, X-Rated stuff is unfit for healthy, appropriate living for anyone and everyone.
Lord, you created our bodies to be attractive to each other. You gave us the gift of sexual expression for pleasure, joy, love-making, and procreation. But you also gave us our bodies for your dwelling, to be temples of your Spirit. You gave us minds and hearts to love, honor and cherish each other in a mutual esteem. You gave us the wisdom to highly respect one another.
Heavenly Father, give us the strength to continue the fight against pornography and to fight for the beautiful esteem, respect and love that can be between people.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 5th

Good Morning, God
Lord, we are really into the season of giving now.  We are considering what we want to give to our friends and loved ones for Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa.  We are doing this because of your word that tells us that "it is more blessed to give than to receive."  We Christians give especially because your gift of Jesus Christ was the best gift of all.  So, we set our hearts on loving each other especially during this season and showing that love through gift-giving.
Lord, we also see and hear of different organizations that could use our gifts.  We see and hear lists of the, especially, not-for-profit groups that seed to serve the under-served or the never-served.  These organizations range from humane societies to food banks, from the family-less in nursing homes to kids who need coats, from food banks to shelters that provide bunks.
Lord, we have a part of our heart that needs and wants to truly help others.  Activate that part in each of us this year for our giving at Christmas.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 2nd

Good Morning, God
There have been headlines this week about an 18-year old high school senior in Kansas City who, while on a class trip to the governor's office and the state capitol, made some disparaging remarks to and about the governor on Twitter.  The governor's office picked it up, called the school, the principal called the student in and told her to apologize.  The young lady refused.  Later, the governor apologized for attempting to quash the right of free speech and over-reacting, and the young lady doesn't have to apologize. 
Lord, there is the issue here of respect for authority, and a governor is an authority figure to be respected.  There also is the issue here of our right to free speech - shoot, Lord, what the young lady said didn't even have to be "bleeped" or masked over on the air or in print.
Quite honestly, Lord, there is a rapidly growing disregard for all civility these days - and with the electronic media, things travel fast and wide.  Lord, may we remember your word to pray for those in authority over us . . . and to keep our words sweet because we may have to eat them.
In Jesus name, Amen