A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, March 30

Good Morning, God,
The actions are happening; the speech has been made; the "coalition team" is meeting; decisions are being made, both publicly and privately. Our President takes the position that our stance and action has been necessary to prevent, quote, "a bloodbath against the civilians of Libya, and that we are helping out especially because we have been asked to by other ally countries." Plus, Lord, the control of the operation will be in the hands of NATO, it is said.
Heavenly Father, indeed it is an honorable thing - and you call us to do it - to stand and protect the least of people. Your Word takes the side of the widow, orphan, and fatherless. Your Word takes the side of the oppressed. Your Word does say that we are to "pray for those in authority over us, that we may live peaceful lives," but there are times when we must also seek to change those in authority, when the answer to our prayers may be to rise up for the sake of our lives.
Thus, we ask, give us all wisdom "for the facing of these days."
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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