Good Morning, God
Lord, are you ready, with your big computer in the sky, to change the date to all ones: 1-1-11 at one nano-second after 12:00 midnight tonight? If you need help doing this, there will be lots of us wiling to help; there will be a lot of noise leading up to midnight, complete with a countdown. We even watch a many-ton steel ball drop down a pole in New York City. You will hear shotguns, cannons, fireworks and see the flashes of each. Are you ready, Lord, with your new year?
Lord, all of us are usually ready to "turn the page" to a new year, even just to a new day! You tell us to take things "one day at a time" and not to "worry about tomorrow" yet you do tell us to be ready for "the tomorrow" when you come again. So Lord, with your abundant blessing of love for those who believe in you and love you, may we look forward to eternity with you by taking each day next year one day at a time, doing your work, under your will, in your way. May we simply be better people in 2011 and help you with your work down here where we live.
In Jesus name, Amen
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