A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 29th

Good Morning, God,

Gracious God, our heavenly father, we thank you for the blessed opportunities you have given us to make these headline prayers for these past several years. We know that they have been your words, spoken through our voice and over the airwaves to bring to your people a message from you about the things we face each day. Lord, at times it has been hard to make the prayers you have wanted, as the headlines were very sad to us at other times, it has been easy to lift up the prayers, as the headlines were about joyful things to us.

But, Lord, no matter what the mood of the headlines has been, you have always provided the prayer we needed to hear to sense your presence in our lives. Lord, help us to know, even without these prayers, that you are always in our lives, and if you give us the inspiration, we can make our own "prayers for the headlines," no matter the headlines, each day through eternity.

Thank you, Lord God, for the "Prayers for the Headlines."

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 27th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, as we begin to really look forward to tomorrow, let us consider the things for which we ought to be thankful.

We are thankful that we have the results of your creative genius, Lord. Even as the landscape turns brown around us, it takes on its own beauty. There are fields of new green where the farmers are using conservation methods to help your creation. The sky lights seem to shine brighter and crispe;r the air is fresher.

We are thankful for our health and strengthen and daily food-and we give you the thanks, loving God. You made us and sustain us and guide our lives.

We are always thankful for the opportunities to be with friends, family and loved ones, especially tomorrow, Lord. It is good that you set us on earth to have relationships that bring joy to our hearts.

Thank you, God, for the gift of Thanksgiving.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 25th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are out of the international scene today. One headline says, "It's a deal." A "deal" has been struck between Iran and six world powers, including the United States. Under the deal, Iran promises to limit its nuclear activities in return for the other world powers to ease the sanctions that have been imposed on Iran. Iran has said that they weren't enriching uranium for weapons; others have said they were.

Now, there is this a six-month deal while a more formal deal was worked out. Everyone seems pretty pleased with themselves, Lord. Everyone seems proud of the negotiated "deal."

Lord, in most cases, a person's word is their "bond." We learn this from you: "let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no"." However, if we don't read your word nor follow your teachings, a person's word may not be considered to be worth anything at all.

So, we pray this day that everyone's words in this important international matter can be trusted.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 22nd

Good Morning, God,

Lord, we have heard fou

In Jesus's name, and.r words we don't ever want to hear in the headlines: "They Dropped the Bomb."

Fortunately, this doesn't refer to dropping a nuclear bomb from a plane over an enemy. Unfortunately, it does apply to a sacrosanct rule of debate and takes away the ability to block votes in the United States Senate. With the dropping of the bomb, now filibusters can be stopped with only a simple majority, rather than a two-thirds vote.

Lord, we have a great deal of rancor among those who are making decisions for us in Washington these days. Discourse is put-one, friendships are strained, decisions are made for political reasons and not often for what is best for we, the American people.

Lord, before any more people get hurt because of the many decisions that are being made, intervene in the United States government, the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches, all three.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 18th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, you have heard this prayer many times before coming from sports teams that come from the YMCA's: "When or lose I pledge before God to play the game as well as I know how; to be to obey the rules; and to be a good sport at all times. Amen." We are grateful for this kind of attitude when we play any sport, or in fact, live the sport of life.

Although they weren't YMCA games on Friday night, the Jasper and Southridge football games were games that were played with the attitude of the YMCA games. Both Jasper and Southridge lost, Lord, but the players on both teams played the games as well as they knew how. They obeyed the rules-there was only one penalty in the Jasper game. They they were good sports at all times-they didn't cheat, there wasn't any extra-curricular activity on the field between players, and when the game was over they shook hands.

Lord, thank you for players who play fair and obey the rules and are good sports-and hold their heads up high,win or lose.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 15th

Good Morning, God,

The headline was about a new woodcarving that sits in Jasper on eighth street. It seems that one of your old trees, a 100-year-old, 5- inch pin oak blew over in one of your storms, God. Now, a wood carver has fashioned a beautiful statue of one of your saints, Francis of Assisi. We appreciate St. Francis for his kindness to all of your creatures, loving God, as it is important that we always try to respect all life, human, plant and animal, with the lives we lead.

We do thank you, Loving Father, for your creative genius in making life and putting us in the midst of it. We thank you for the ability to be kind to all things, but especially to each other.

So today, Lord, may we take stock of ourselves and ask ourselves if we can be better caretakers of nature, of the environment, but especially of each other. We are made in your image, God, and it would be sinful to harm any likenesses of you!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 11th

Good Morning, God,

It's been a tough weekend for the Philippines, Lord. One of your huge hurricanes hit that island on Thursday, Lord, causing a huge amount of damage and many deaths. Lord, many people were evacuated to safe areas, but with the storm that strong with the winds and rains, persons can run but not hide! So, this morning, we pray for safety and peace, mercy and strength, for the people of the Philippines. Lend them your grace during this time of recovery.

Lord, during times of devastation-whether naturally caused, or the result of human action-we remember your words from the 69th Psalm and we plead them now:
Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold. I have come into deep water, and the flood sweeps over me. I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God. But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer me. With your faithful help rescue me from sinking in the mire; do not let the floods sweep over me, or the deep swallow me up, or the pit close its mouth over me… I will praise the name of the Lord.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 8th

Good Morning, God,

The news was relatively local at first, but then made the national headlines: Timothy Bowers, a 32-year-old man, fell from a deer stand, became paralyzed and was put on life support, to be one life support the rest of his life. When asked what he wanted, he chose to be taken off the life support, and he died. Mr. Bowers left behind his wife of three months, who was pregnant with their first child.

It is said that "He had such a strong faith that it didn't surprise that he made the decision. He was ready to go to heaven; he was ready for God." Heavenly Father, we trust that you have received Timothy into your heaven. We ask your blessing on those left behind.

We also ask that we be given the strength, desire and wisdom to contemplate what we want our death to be like, and whether or not we would choose to forgo life support for the rest of our earthly existence for an early entrance into heaven with you.

Gracious God, may we live as those who do not fear death and dying. May we live as those who love life, but as one who also looks forward to eternal life with you through faith in Jesus Christ.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 6th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, you didn't create us to always receive bad news, sometimes heart-rending news, sometimes news of crimes and how many were hurt and/or killed. No, Lord, in your creative genius, you made us to also receive good news, news of people, especially young people, making beautiful music and designs on a football field through marching bands.

Today, we thank you for this good which has shown through, especially through the Forest Park and the Jasper bands. We thank you that they have had the stamina and work ethic, the talent and understanding to take their performances all the way to the state competitions. And, we rejoice with them that they brought back high finishes. Out of all the bands in the state, Forest Park is number one and Jasper is number four.

Lord, this is cause for Thanksgiving-for the gift of music you give and the use of the gift by our teenagers! Thank you, God.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 3rd

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are about those who have suddenly lost their lives: A Transportation Safety Administration agent; and assistant football coach; a person caught up in a traffic accident; a person coming off the field of a football game who just crumpled and died.

None of these people had planned to die suddenly; perhaps none of these people had made any preparation as to what would happen if they died.

Yet, Lord, you tell us in your word to live our lives ready to die. You tell us that when we have accepted your love in your son Jesus that whether we live or die, we "are the Lords;" we are yours.

Lord of the living and the dead, may we this day have the sense of peace that comes from knowing your love through our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior-in case we live or die today!

In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 1st

Good Morning, God,

The question was asked the other day, "Are Dubois County Residents with German Roots, Especially Young People, Losing Interest in Their Heritage? Some People Think So." The news went on to show and tell about our German heritage in Dubois County.

Gracious God, indeed you have made us to value from where we have come. We may say that all of us are related, even if we have to go all the way back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden!

Unfortunately, we may be losing interest in our heritage, because to celebrate our heritage means to set ourselves apart from those who aren't like us. Then to its worst, this can lead to serious discrimination.

But, Lord, may we celebrate the history, the background, the "heritage" of each person, rejoicing in the best and forgiving the worst and enjoying the variety that each person brings to our lives.

In Jesus' name, Amen.