Good morning, God
The headlines have been about how National Football League games were being refereed. It seems that the regular, well-trained refs were on strike and substitute refs had been working the games. It seems that these refs made a lot of mistakes, even costing the game for some of the teams.
Lord, we could say “Well, at least they tried” and let it go at that. We could hope that they would get better as they learned their trade and got more experience and “coaching” for themselves. We have been disgusted and ranted and raved and cussed them! But, bottom line, they are who they are and it has been what it has been. At least they tried, right, and the games went on?
Well, God the negotiations with the regular refs have borne fruit! It may not be truly the right deal to make with them, but it is a deal and the “pro” refs are back!
So Coach, this proves we always need the Wisdom of Solomon. Whether it is sports or business or any other part of life, we need You as our coach to stay whole, to prosper, to follow the rules of any game and to settle all differences. Lord God, be our coach, please.
In Jesus’ name, Amen