A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 29th

Good Morning, God
Lord, there certainly are a lot of great people around Dubois County, and we need to give thanks for them today.  Oh, Lord, we don't necessarily mean folks who are in positions of power and authority.  They constantly make the headlines and constantly need our prayers.  But today we give thanks for the people that serve us through our neighborhood businesses, dealing with our problems with refrigerators and lawnmowers, automobiles and water heaters, air conditioners and termites.  Lord, about the only time these folks are in the headlines are because of their paid advertisements, not because they've done something to warrant headlines and stories.
So today, Lord, thank you for our small business owners who open their shops and stores each day, who respond to our daily emergencies, who don't always charge us for everything they do, who give us "loaners" and free advice, who give others jobs and who give us smiles and good, kind advice.  Bless our small business owners with great customers and your wisdom.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 27th

Good morning, God,
We here in Dubois county will be praying for a solution to the "Debt Crisis" situation. It seems that it will only be by your Divine intervention that it will be solved, Lord. There are too many of our human characteristic flaws being demonstrated in the efforts of too many people to get it solved by our efforts alone.
Everything you warn us about in your Good Book, everything that has caused trouble for folks in the Bible, everything that has caused the downfall of great nations mentioned in Scripture is happening among us right now, Lord.
Ah, Lord God, if only we would follow your guidance as a people and as a nation. If only we would turn fully to you and pray, "Not my will but Thine be done." If only we could leave politics, posturing, pride and prejudice outside the arena and seek what would be fair to all, with those in positions of authority taking the lead! If only...
Ah, Lord, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for July 25, 2011

Good Morning, God
Lord, one little "random act of kindness" probably will never make a headline.  Some one person helping out some one other person with a much-needed gift of a couple a hundred in cash won't be shared with the world - and it probably should not be.  Your word instructs us to give humbly, not in order to gain recognition but just because someone has a need of what we have.  Your word instructs us to give in secret, so secretively, in fact, that our right hand does not even know what our left hand is doing.  Your word does say that when we do a random act of kindness for someone in need we do such act for Jesus . . . and Jesus himself will say "thank you".  In fact, Jesus will say "as you did it to the least of these, you did it unto me".  Did what, Lord?  As you saw someone hungry and fed them.  As you saw someone naked and clothed them. As you saw a stranger and welcomed them.  As you saw someone thirsty and gave them something to drink.  As you saw someone sick or in prison and visited them.  These were your random acts of kindness that you did as unto me.  Well done!
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for July 22, 2011

Good Morning, God
Like a house of cards or a row of dominoes, the people keep falling who have been part of the "News of the World" organization based in England.  People have been fired; people have quit; people have been found dead; the newspaper has closed.  All because of an attitude of making headlines at any cost.  Hang the ethics, right Lord, just get the references for the story and run it!  Just because something is illegal to do, the ends justify the means, right?

"Wrong, my children" you say, Lord?  You say that you will give us the gifts and skills necessary to make a living, support a business, get the headlines and get ahead - if only we will do things ethically and morally?  You say to "let our "Yes" be yes and our "No" mean no.  You say to treat others as we would like to be treated.  You say to practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control.  You say to give of ourselves sacrificially and we will be blessed.  Help us to do so, Lord, for we desire to make our living your way.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 20th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines probably would never use this term, but are usually written in such a way that we feel its words. The term is "the tyranny of the urgent."
Lord, whether something just "pops up" that must be done "right now" or we push something that must be done right up to the very last minute before settling on a solution, we face "the tyranny of the urgent." When we do, our adrenaline really gets to pumping, we feel the urge to fight or flee, and our brain goes into hyper-warp. Then, usually, we get it done. Very often, also, we get it done well because all of our resources and concentration has been on the urgent need. But the stress gets to be too much.
Lord, your word has somethng to say about the tyranny of the urgent: Doln't let it happen; be prepared for it. Of course, you are speaking of the moment we must meet Jesus and whether or not we will have acccepted him by then. So, your word to us this day is: Be ready, for you do not know the day or the hour you will meet the Lord.
Thanks for the warning, Lord!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 18th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, what if the headlines today began with, "Dubois County Hears a Word from the Lord," and the story under the headlines tells about something you want from us or something we did to please you or something we are doing that you would like changed? What if we could so directly discern your will, your desire, your hopes?
Of course, we beleive that by praying our private, individual prayers and listening to and for you, we can know what you desire from us as an individual believer and follower. But, what about us corporately, as a citizen group in our towns, as the totality of citizens in our county? Lord, do you ever speak in a way that all of us can hear at once, or do you always speak just to individuals and encourage us to then share?
This day, Lord, speak to us through the headlines and the stories behind them, that we may know your will and do your work in your way.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 15

Good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines are often about how particular persons are "in charge" of certain responsibilities and how they succeeded or how they fail. When a boss or government official succeeds, we often say that it is a "team effort." When a project fails, we often look to the top dog and ask, "Who do we blame; who do we fire!"
Lord, it seems that we also are more afraid than ever these days to "stick our necks out," to offer our help when a project or an activity is faltering. Perhaps we are afraid others will think we are "horning in." Perhaps we think we will be criticized for being a "know it all." Perhaps we don't have "the courage of our convictions," and doubt our own abilities. And, perhaps the ones in charge of the project just simply won't take suggestions and/or accept help.
Heavenly Father, may we today do the best we can within our own work, offer our expertise where others need help - and be ready and willing to accept the suggestions of helping hands when they are offered.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for theHeadlines for Wednesday, July 13

Good Morning, God,
These days it seems that nothing in the headlines shocks us much anymore. The decisions or lack thereof of our elected officials are common-place. The summer heat that blankets much of our nation is day to day and makes us wish for an early fall. There isn't even much new news on the international scene.
However, Lord, sometimes we are really struck by the headlines when a well-known person in our area meets a sudden death. Today we think about John Becher and his family, Lord. John, who has helped so many of us around here get through the death of a loved one, now must rely on others to help his loved ones get through his sudden, untimely death. Today we all pray for John's family, friends and co-workers, that we not grieve so much for his loss, but give thanks for his life and that he cared so much for so many of us.
And, Lord, may we live as carefully as we can, that our loves will not have to grieve over our untimely death. May we and you hold those we love close this day and every day.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 11

Good Morning, God,
The headlines today are about folks who are "up in the air." These headlines are about folks who are intentionally up in the air, "'way out there," the astronauts in the space station. This is a special mission for them and for us, since it is the final shuttle mission - that fact is not "up in the air" - it is known for sure.
Lord ,we thank you for the men and women who over the years have allowed themselves to be "up in the air" for while. Please bring these particular people back down to earth safely and let us rejoice in the successful completion of the shuttle program. May future space exploration be both grounded and up in the air - "grounded" on solid science and engineering and "up in the air" because of the dreams and imaginations of minds that are shared.
Lord, may we all be grounded in good, solid things. May we know who you are and what you desire. May we know who we are, what we have to use, what we have to share and what our responsibilities are toward others. And, may we be grounded in the hope that when we feel ourselves "up in the air," it is you hand that is holding us up, your will guiding our orbit, and your love helping us get back to being grounded.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 8

Good Morning, God,
The headlines were about how the murder case of a 7-year-old girl 'way back in 1957 has finally been solved with the arrest of the alleged perpetrator. It seems that his alibi that he was on a train at the time collapsed because the ticket was found unused. Then all of the alibis fell like a house of cards.
Lord, unless a person is completely amoral, never knowing right from wrong, the revealing of our crimes and sins relieves tremendous pressure on our conscience, that part of us that has your breath within us. When you made us, you gave us the freedom to choose right or wrong, but hoping that we would always choose the right. But when we don't, you gave our conscience the ability to feel niggles, nudges and out-and-out convictions that what we have done is very wrong. Then you gave us the incredible gift to "clear our conscience" through confession, forgiveness, possible punishment and restitution.
Lord, may we always have a clear conscience in your sight and in the sight of others.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 6

Good Morning, God,
The headlines read on the Fourth of July, "Why the United Sates is not a Christian Nation." The story laid out the principles by which our Constitution and Bill of Rights were formulated, Lord.
We wonder what you thought, then, when we promulgated that, "Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion"? Did you appreciate this, Lord, since basically the church and state were one in "Jolly ol' England." Or, did you think, "how sad," because you designed us to be persons under your grace and love and do everything we do, including our governance under your principles before we rely on human-made governing principles.
Lord, we Christians do pray that we all would become one in faith and action in the way we live - including in the way we are governed. However, you have given each person the opportunity to choose each day whom he or she will serve - or not serve. We pray we will all choose to serve you through Christ, then let Christ's ways guide our governance.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 4th

Good Morning, God
O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountains majesties, Above the fruited plains!  America, America! God shed your grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea.  O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern impassioned stress, A thoroughfare of freedom beat, Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law! O beautiful for heroes proved, In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine! O beautiful for patriot dream, That sees beyond the years, Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea!

Lord, God, may we know oneness in America because we are yet pilgrims, heroes and patriots, under you, our God.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for July 1st

Good Morning, God
Even politics get political!  On the eve of celebrating the freedom we very much enjoy in this great country, the political candidates are sparring, not about how they would govern our city, but about how they will and will not debate.  One candidate issues the challenge to have monthly debates beginning  right now! (Why not, Lord?  We are celebrating the privilege this weekend of being able to do so.)  Another candidate says "No, it isn't time yet.  The political season doesn't begin until after our street festival."  Yet another candidate says "Bring it on, any time, anywhere."

Lord, especially this weekend, we give you thanks for the opportunities to have these debates and the little tete-a-tetes about when, where and how often.  Bless these efforts, Lord, as we even prayerfully consider not only the best person for the job, but the ones who you would put into power.  May our debates be civil, our issues be addressed, our safety be assured and our faithfulness be genuine.
In Jesus name, Amen